August 2024 Sermons |
August 4th |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 8 - "What
Treasure Has Your Heart" - Matthew 6:19-24 - Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2024 Sermons |
July 28th |
Chuck Nichols is filling in for Pastor Chip
Ward, who is ill this morning - "Choices in
Your Life" |
July 21st |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 7 - "Shaping
Your Prayer Life" - Matthew
6:5-15 - Pastor Chip Ward |
July 14th |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 6 - "Loving on
Your Enemies" - Matthew
5:38-48 - Pastor Chip Ward |
July 7th |
Praise Team - Kurt Parlin - Pastor
Chuck Nichols Intro - Pastor Larry Griffin,
President, Mid-South Christian College |
June 2024 Sermons |
June 30th |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 5 - "How
Important is an Oath?” - Matthew 5:33-37 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 23rd |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 4 - "Working
Through Anger" - Matthew 5:21-26- Pastor
Chip Ward |
June 16th |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 3 - "Living Out
God’s Commands" - Matthew 5:17-20- Pastor Chip Ward |
June 9th |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 2 - "Being Salt
and Light" - Matthew 5:13-16 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 2nd |
Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 1 - "The
Beatitudes for Godly Living" - Matthew
5:3-12 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2024 Sermons |
May 26th |
Happy Memorial Day - Pastor Chuck
(We apologize for no recording due
to WiFi connection problems) |
May 19th |
Congratulations Graduates!! - "God's Hope
and a Future for You" - Jeremiah 29:11-13 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 12th |
Mother's Day - "How a Mother Imitates God's
Love" - Exodus 2:1-10 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 5th |
The Return of the King - Week
4 -
“The New Jesus” - Rev. 1:4-20; 22:7 12-16,
20-21 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2024 Sermons |
April 28th |
LCC Family Sunday - The Bobby Bowen Family
Band - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 21st |
Part 1 - The Return of the King - Week 3 -
“Getting Caught Up” - 1 Thess 4:15-18; 2 Cor
15:35-44, 50-58 - Pastor Chip Ward
Part 2 - The Return of the King - Week 3 -
“Getting Caught Up” - 1 Thess 4:15-18; 2 Cor
15:35-44, 50-58 - Pastor Chip Ward
apologize for the WiFi Connection Problems) |
April 14th |
The Return of the King - Week
2 - "Signs in the Sky?" - 1 Thess 4:15-18 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 7th |
The Return of the King - Week 1 - "Could
Jesus Be Coming Soon?" - 1 Thess 4:15-18 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 2024 Sermons |
March 31st |
MP3 |
Easter Sunday - "Does Your Heart Burn for
Jesus?" - Luke 24:1-53 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 24th |
Psalm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 17th |
"The Kingdom of God is Near" - Part 2 -
Matthew 6:31-33 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 10th |
International Ministry Update - Hebrews 4:12
- Brother Dan Miller |
March 3rd |
"The Kingdom of God is Near” - Part 1 - Mark
1:14-15 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
February 2024 Sermons |
February 25th |
Cadence - Week 4
- "Learning to Walk in the Spirit of a
Long-Lasting Cadence" - 1 Cor 9:24-27 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 18th |
Cadence - Week 3 - "Learning
to Walk in the Spirit in Community" -
Galatians 5:16-18, 24-25 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 11th |
Communication - Elder/Minister Chuck
Nichols |
February 4th |
Cadence - Week 2 - "Learning to Walk in the
Spirit on a Personal Level" - Galations
5:16-18, 25 Pastor Chip Ward |
January 2024 Sermons |
January 28th |
Cadence - Week 1 - "Learning to Walk in the
Spirit: A God's Eye View" - Genesis 1-2;
Psalm 8
- Pastor Chip Ward |
January 21st |
The Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20; 1
John 4:7-21
- Pastor Chip Ward |
January 14th |
Standing Firm in Christ - Ephesians 6:10-18
- Pastor Chip Ward |
January 7th |
Special Sunday Service and
Congregational Meeting - Elder/Minister
Chuck Nichols
(Service not
published here) |
December 2023 Sermons |
December 31st |
Looking Ahead to 2024 - -
Elder/Minister Chuck Nichols |
December 24th |
Promise - "The Promise of Love" - Reading of
the Christmas Story - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 17th |
The Promise - "The Promise of
Joy" - Matthew 2:1-12 - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 10th |
The Promise - "The Promise of Peace" - Luke
2:8-20 - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 3rd |
The Promise - "The Promise of Hope" - Luke
2:25-38 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 2023 Sermons |
November 26th |
the Day That the Lord Has Made - Psalm
118:24 - Elder/Minister Chuck Nichols |
November 19th |
Thanksgiving Is - Week
2 - "Hope in the Midst of Chaos" - 1 Peter
1:3-9 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 12th |
Thanksgiving Is - Week 1 - "Peace in the
Storm" - Mark 4:35-41 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 5th |
Special Sermon - "Serve One - Part 1" - Luke
10:25-37 - Tony Wolf
(Temp WIFI Outage) |
Special Sermon - "Serve One - Part 2" - Luke
10:25-37 - Tony Wolf |
October 2023 Sermons |
October 29th |
Theft - Week 3 - "Myth: I'm Not Good Enough"
- 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 22nd |
Theft - Week 2 -
“Myth: This is Just the Way I Am” -
Colossians 1:28-2-5 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 15th |
Identity Theft - Week 1 - "Myth: I Have to
be Strong" - 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 - Pastor
Chip Ward |
October 8th |
End of the Parade" - Scriptures from the Old
and New Testaments - Elder/Minister Chuck Nichols |
October 1st |
"Continuing the Legacy of Jesus' Love" - Matthew
28:18-20; Revelations 2:1-7; 1 John 4:7-21 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
September 2023 Sermons |
September 24th |
When Pigs Fly - Week
4 - "Miracles of Provision" - Matthew
14:13-21; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
September 17th |
When Pigs Fly - Week
3 - "Miracles of Protection" - Acts 16:16-34 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
September 10th |
When Pigs Fly - Week
2 - "Miracles of Healing" - Mark 5:25-34 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
September 3rd |
When Pigs Fly - Week
1 - "Miracles of Deliverance" - Ephesians
6:12, Matthew 17:14-20 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 2023 Sermons |
August 27th |
Emotions - Week
4 - "Experience Joy Again" - Luke 15:11-32 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 20th |
Emotions - Week 3 - "Angry Like Jesus" - Mark 11:15-18;
Matt 21:14 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 13th |
Emotions - Week 2 - "Finding Relief from
Anxiety" - Mark 14:32-36 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 6th |
Emotions - Week 1 - “Where is God When You
Hurt?” - Luke 7:11-16 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2023 Sermons |
July 30th |
Nehemiah - Week
4 - "Being Grounded in the Word" - Nehemiah
8:1-3, 5-11, 17-18 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 23rd |
Nehemiah - Week
3 - "Overcoming Persecution" - Nehemiah
4:1-14 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 16th |
Message from
Elder Chuck Nichols (Soon to be Pastor Chuck
Nichols) |
July 9th |
Nehemiah - Week
2 - "Acting Courageously" - Nehemiah 2:1-8 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2nd |
Nehemiah - Week 1 - "Do You Love What God
Loves?" - Nehemiah 1 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 2023 Sermons |
June 25th |
Ezra - Week
4 - "Getting Right with God" - Ezra 10:1-5 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 18th |
Ezra - Week
3 - Father's Day - "How We Approach Prayer"
- Ezra 9:5-15 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 11th |
Ezra - Week
2 - "How to Seek God Humbly" - Ezra 8:21-23,
31-32 - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 4th |
Ezra - Week 1 - "Be Diligent in the Word" -
Ezra 7:6-7, 25-28 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2023 Sermons |
May 28th |
Memorial Day (Decoration Day) - John 15:
12-14 - Elder Chuck Nichols |
May 21st |
Your Plans To God” - Acts 1:1-11 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 14th |
"The Faith of a Mother" - Matthew 15:21-28 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
May 7th |
“God’s Plan of Salvation” - Romans 10:4-13 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2023 Sermons |
April 30th |
Sunday - Gideons International by Randy
Siebert - Parent/Children Dedication -
Pastor Chip Ward - Potluck Luncheon |
April 23rd |
Faith in Action - Week
2 - “How We Put Faith In
Action” - James 2:20-26 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 16th |
Faith in Action - Week 1 - “Why Put Faith In
Action?” - James 2:14-19 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 9th |
The Road to Victory - Week
6: "Finishing Leads to Victory" - Easter
Sunday - Luke 24 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2nd |
The Road to Victory - Week 5: "Execution
Leads to Victory" - Palm Sunday - Isaiah
53:3-6; Mark 15: 16-32 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 2023 Sermons |
March 26th |
The Road to Victory - Week
4 - “Determination Leads to Victory" - Luke
9:51, Matthew 23:13-15, 23-28 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 19th |
The Road to Victory - Week
3 - “Loyalty Leads to Victory" - Matthew
4:1-11; 26:36-44 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 12th |
The Road to Victory - Week
2 - “Dedication Leads to Victory" - John
6:29-40 - Pastor Chip Ward |
March 5th |
The Road to Victory - Week 1: “Hope Leads to
Victory” - Romans 8:22-25 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 2023 Sermons |
February 26th |
Getting Past Your Past - Week
4 - "Getting Past Your Personal Failures” -
John 21:15-17; 1 John 5:5-11 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 19th |
Getting Past Your Past - Week
3 - "Apologizing to Those You’ve Hurt" -
Matthew 5:23-24, Psalm 51 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 12th |
Getting Past Your Past - Week
2 - "Forgiving Those Who Have Hurt Us" -
Matt 18: 21-35, Mark 11: 24-25 - Pastor Chip Ward |
February 5th |
Getting Past Your Past - Week
1 - “Breaking the Labels That Bind” - 2 Cor
5: 17-20 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 2023 Sermons |
January 29th |
Family Sunday - Bobby Bowen Family Band -
Pot-Luck Luncheon - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 22nd |
Bridge Builders - Week
3 - “The Bridge of
Love and Grace” - Luke 15:11-32 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 15th |
Bridge Builders - Week
2 - “The Bridge of
Compassion” - Luke 10:25-37; Colossians
3:12; Galatians 5:22-23 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 8th |
Bridge Builders - Week 1 - “The Bridge of
Forgiveness” - Colossians 3:13-14, Luke
7:36-50 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 1st |
MP3 |
Let's See What God Lays on Elder Chuck
Nichols' Heart Today - Elder Chuck Nichols |
December 2022 Sermons |
December 25th |
Christmas Day Worship Service - Matthew 1:18 - Pastor
Chip Ward (The church was closed due to no
water) |
December 18th |
Rediscover Christmas - Week
3 -
“Rediscovering Peace” - Luke 2:8-14 - Pastor
Chip Ward |
December 11th |
Rediscover Christmas - Week
2 -
“Rediscovering Joy" - Matthew 2:1-12 - Pastor
Chip Ward |
December 4th |
Rediscover Christmas - Week 1 -
“Rediscovering Hope” - Luke 2:22-35 - Pastor
Chip Ward |
November 2022 Sermons |
November 27th |
Thank You, Lord! - Week 4 - For Your
Mercy - 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Micah 7:18-19 - Pastor
Chip Ward (No recording due to Spectrum
system outage) |
November 20th |
Thank You, Lord! - Week 3 - For Your
Generosity - 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Matthew
7:7-11 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 13th |
Thank You, Lord! - Week 2 - For Your
Faithfulness - 1 Thessalonians 5:18, 1
Corinthians 1:4-9 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 6th |
Thank You, Lord! - Week 1 - For the Goodness
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 31:19 - Pastor
Chip Ward |
October 2022 Sermons |
October 30th |
Facing the Giants in Our Lives
- Elder Chuck Nichols |
October 23rd |
The Danger of Complacency - Revelation
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 16th |
When God Doesn’t Make Sense - Week 3: “When
God Seems Uncooperative” - 2 Corinthians
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 9th |
When God Doesn’t Make Sense - Week 2: “When
God Seems to Always Wait” - John 11: 1-7,
17-27, 38-44 - Mark 6:17-29
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 2nd |
When God Doesn’t Make Sense - Week 1: “When
God Seems Inattentive” - Mark 6:17-29
- Pastor Chip
September 2022 Sermons |
September 25th |
Money Talks - Week 4 -
“Invest Me” - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
- Pastor Chip
September 18th |
Money Talks - Week 3 -
“Spend Me” - 1 Timothy 6:17-19
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
September 11th |
Money Talks - Week 2 - "Save Me" -
Philippians 4:11-13
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
September 4th |
Money Talks - Week 1 - "Earn Me" - 1 Timothy
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
August 2022 Sermons |
August 28th |
Forgotten Virtues - Week 4 - "Gratitude" -
Luke 17:11-19
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
August 21st |
Forgotten Virtues - Week 3 - "Integrity" -
Psalm 15:1-5
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
August 14th |
Forgotten Values - Week 2 - "Loyalty" -
Isaiah 6:1-8 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 7th |
Forgotten Virtues - Week 1 - "Honor" - Mark
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2022 Sermons |
July 31st |
Ruth - Week 4 - "Ruth and Her Redemption" -
Ruth 4
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
July 24th |
Ruth - Week 3 - “Ruth and Her Willingness to
Obey” - Ruth 3
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
July 17th |
The 3rd Part of
God's Plan for Salvation and Jesus Munoz
- Elder Chuck Nichols |
July 10th |
Ruth - Week 2 - “Ruth and Her Dedication” -
Ruth 2
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
July 3rd |
Ruth - Week 1 - “Ruth and Her Loyalty” -
Ruth 1
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 2022 Sermons |
June 26th |
Samuel - Week 4 - “The Benefits of Spiritual
Judgement” - 1 Samuel
16: 1-13
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 19th |
Samuel - Week 3 - “Pursuing the Heart of God” - 1 Samuel
12: 13-25
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 12th |
Samuel - Week 2 - “Be Careful Trying to Copy
the World” - 1 Samuel 8: 1-22
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 5th |
Samuel - Week 1 - “Are You Recognizing God's
Voice in Your Life?” - 1 Samuel 3: 1-21
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
May 2022 Sermons |
May 29th |
Memorial Day Message -
Brother Chuck Nichols, Elder |
May 22nd |
Margin - Part 2 - “How to Make Room for
Jesus in Everyday Life” - Ephesians 5:15-17
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
May 15th |
Margin - Part 1 - “How to Make Room for
Jesus in Everyday Life” - Ephesians 2:17-22
- Pastor Chip
May 8th |
Love Reigns - Week 4 - "Love Reigns Over Our
Future” - Romans 8:35-39; Matthew 6:25-34 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
May 1st |
Love Reigns - Week 3 - "Love Reigns Over Our
Present” - Romans 8:35-39; Romans 12:1-2 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 2022 Sermons |
April 24th |
Love Reigns - Week 2 - "Love Reigns Over
Your Past" - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 17th |
Love Reigns - Week 1 - "Jesus - The Hope of
Easter" - John
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 10th |
Mixed Emotions - Week 4 - "Working Through
Faith & Fear" - Psalm 139:23-24; 1 John
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 3rd |
Mixed Emotions - Week 3 - "Working Through
Faith & Jealousy" - Psalm 139:23-24; James
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 2022 Sermons |
March 27th |
Mixed Emotions - Week 2 - “Working Through
Faith & Anger” - Psalm 139:23-24, James
- Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 20th |
Mixed Emotions - Week 1 -
“Working Through Faith & Sadness” - Psalm
139:23-24; Isaiah 61:1-3 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
LCC Deacon Ordainment - Brother Chris
Mahoney |
March 13th |
- Week 6 -
“The Church is Jesus’ Forerunner” Isaiah
40:3-5; 1 Peter 3:13-22 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 6th |
Forerunner - Week 5-
“How Do You View Death?” Matthew 14:1-12 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 2022 Sermons |
February 27th |
- Week 4 - How Do You Take the Truth?
Luke 3:1-20 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 20th |
- Week 3 - How Can "The Word" Shape Our
Luke 1:57-66, 76-79, John 1:29-3 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 13th |
- Week 2 -
How God Prepared the Parents of John
Isaiah 40:3-5; Luke 1:5-25 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 6th |
- Week 1 - John was the Forerunner for Jesus
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
January 2022 Sermons |
January 30th |
5th Sunday - Gideons International - Brother
Jeff Lewis |
January 23rd |
Focus - Week
4 - Focus on Your Mission -
Habakkuk 2:14 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 16th |
Focus - Week
3 - Focus on Your Future - Jeremiah 29:10-13
- Pastor Chip Ward |
January 9th |
Focus - Week 2 - Focus on Christ -
Matthew 14:22-23 - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 2nd |
Focus - Week 1 -
Focus on the Good -
Philippians 4:8-9 - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 2021 Sermons |
December 26th |
We are Blessed by God Because He is Good - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
December 19th |
Let's Go to Bethlehem -
Week 2 -
The Journey to Bethlehem -
Luke 1:26-38 to 2:1:7; Matthew 1:18-25 - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 12th |
Special Message
from the home of Pastor Chip Ward |
December 5th |
Let's Go to Bethlehem -
Week 1 - Why Bethlehem? -
Luke 2:4-7 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 2021 Sermons |
November 28th |
Counting Your Blessings -
Week 4 - The Blessing of New Life -
Romans 6 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 21st |
Counting Your Blessings -
Week 3 -
Thanksgiving - Psalm 140:13 - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
November 14th |
Counting Your Blessings - Week 2 - The
Blessing of Kindness
Ephesians 4:29-32 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 7th |
Counting Your Blessings - Week 1 - The
Blessing of Compassion
Luke 10:25-35 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 2021 Sermons |
October 31st |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
5 - He is Defeated - 1 John 3:7-10,
Revelation 12:7-12 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 24th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
4 - The
Chameleon - 1 John 3:4-10 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 17th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
3 - The
Destroyer - 1 Peter 5:8-9a - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 10th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
2 - The
Accuser - Job 1:6-12, 20-22, Zechariah 3:1-4 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 3rd |
When the Devil Knocks - Week 1 - The
Deceiver - Genesis 3:1-15 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 2021 Sermons |
September 26th |
Wise Up - Week
3 - Being Wise, Not Selfish -
James 3:13-18 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 19th |
Wise Up - Week
2 - Being Wise, Not Bitter -
Hebrews 12:14-17 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 12th |
Wise Up - Week 1 - Being Wise, Not Foolish -
Matthew 7:24-27 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 5th |
Come See a Man - John 4:5-10, 13-14, 28-29 -
Brother Danny Frizzell |
August 2021 Sermons |
August 29th |
Training - Week
5 - Training to Win - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 22nd |
Training - Week
4 - Training Our Tongues - James 3:2-10 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 15th |
Training - Week
3 - Training Our Hearts - Matthew 15:17-20 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 8th |
Training - Week
2 - Training Our Minds - Romans 12:1-2 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 1st |
Training - Week 1 - Training Our Eyes - Luke
11:33-36 - Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2021 Sermons |
July 25th |
4 - Our Struggle With God's Mercy is Real - Jonah
4:1-11 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 18th |
3 - The Importance of Fearing the Lord - Jonah
3:1-10 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 11th |
2 - God Hears Prayers Anywhere - Jonah
2:1-10 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 4th |
Jonah 1 - Running From God's Calling - Jonah
1:9-12 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 2021 Sermons |
June 27th |
The Story of Abraham - Week
4 - The Struggles of Staying Faithful - Genesis
20:1-18 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 20th |
The Story of Abraham - Week
3 - A Father's Dedication to Faith - Genesis
22:1-18 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 13th |
The Story of Abraham - Week 2 - God's
Promises are Lasting - Genesis 17:1-8 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 6th |
The Story of Abraham - Week 1 - Stepping Out
in Faith - Genesis 12:1-9 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2021 Sermons |
May 30th |
Memorial Day Sermon - "Put on the Full Armor
of God" - Ephesians 6:10-13 - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
May 23rd |
Edge of Heaven - Week
3 - "How Do We Get To Heaven?" - John 14:6 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 16th |
Edge of Heaven - Week
2 - "Who Will Be In Heaven?" - Revelation
7:9-17 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 9th |
Edge of Heaven - Week 1 - "What is Heaven?" -
Isaiah 66:1-2 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2nd |
Rooted - Week
4 - "Harvest" -
Matthew 9:35-38 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2021 Sermons |
April 25th |
Rooted - Week
3 - "Prune" - John 15:1-8 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 18th |
Rooted - Week
2 - "Grow" - 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 11th |
Rooted - Week 1 - "Plant" - Matt 13:1-9 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 4th |
Red Letter Day - Week
4 - "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" -
Luke 23:39-43 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 2021 Sermons |
March 28th |
MP3 |
Red Letter Day - Week
3 - "It is Finished" -
John 19: 28-30 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 21st |
Red Letter Day - Week
2 - "Father, Forgive Them" -
Luke 23:32-34 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 14th |
Red Letter Day - Week 1 - "Why Have You
Forsaken Me?" - Matt 27:37-46 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 7th |
Bold - Week
4 - Bold Obedience
- Acts 5:17-22 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 2021 Sermons |
February 28th |
Bold - Week
3 - Bold Speaking
- Acts 4:15-22 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 21st |
From Our Home to Yours - Special Service
From the Ward Home - Pastor Chip and Meggan Ward |
February 14th |
Bold - Week
2 - Bold Prayers
- Acts 4:23-31 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the entire service |
February 7th |
Bold - Week 1 - Amazing Boldness
- Acts 4:7-14- Pastor Chip
Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the entire service |
January 2021 Sermons |
January 31st |
I'm In - Week
3 - I'm Invested - Pastor
Chip Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the final comments |
January 24th |
I'm In - Week 2 - I'm Influential - Pastor
Chip Ward |
January 17th |
I'm In - Week 1 - I'm Invaluable - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 10th |
Lessons Learned - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 3rd |
Special Abbreviated Service - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
Previous Sermons:
LCC Sermons 2018-2021 |