December 2021 Sermons |
December 26th |
We are Blessed by God Because He is Good - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
December 19th |
Let's Go to Bethlehem -
Week 2 -
The Journey to Bethlehem -
Luke 1:26-38 to 2:1:7; Matthew 1:18-25 - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 12th |
Special Message
from the home of Pastor Chip Ward |
December 5th |
Let's Go to Bethlehem -
Week 1 - Why Bethlehem? -
Luke 2:4-7 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 2021 Sermons |
November 28th |
Counting Your Blessings -
Week 4 - The Blessing of New Life -
Romans 6 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 21st |
Counting Your Blessings -
Week 3 -
Thanksgiving - Psalm 140:13 - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
November 14th |
Counting Your Blessings - Week 2 - The
Blessing of Kindness
Ephesians 4:29-32 - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 7th |
Counting Your Blessings - Week 1 - The
Blessing of Compassion
Luke 10:25-35 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 2021 Sermons |
October 31st |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
5 - He is Defeated - 1 John 3:7-10,
Revelation 12:7-12 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 24th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
4 - The
Chameleon - 1 John 3:4-10 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 17th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
3 - The
Destroyer - 1 Peter 5:8-9a - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 10th |
When the Devil Knocks - Week
2 - The
Accuser - Job 1:6-12, 20-22, Zechariah 3:1-4 - Pastor Chip Ward |
October 3rd |
When the Devil Knocks - Week 1 - The
Deceiver - Genesis 3:1-15 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 2021 Sermons |
September 26th |
Wise Up - Week
3 - Being Wise, Not Selfish -
James 3:13-18 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 19th |
Wise Up - Week
2 - Being Wise, Not Bitter -
Hebrews 12:14-17 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 12th |
Wise Up - Week 1 - Being Wise, Not Foolish -
Matthew 7:24-27 - Pastor Chip Ward |
September 5th |
Come See a Man - John 4:5-10, 13-14, 28-29 -
Brother Danny Frizzell |
August 2021 Sermons |
August 29th |
Training - Week
5 - Training to Win - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 22nd |
Training - Week
4 - Training Our Tongues - James 3:2-10 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 15th |
Training - Week
3 - Training Our Hearts - Matthew 15:17-20 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 8th |
Training - Week
2 - Training Our Minds - Romans 12:1-2 - Pastor Chip Ward |
August 1st |
Training - Week 1 - Training Our Eyes - Luke
11:33-36 - Pastor Chip Ward |
July 2021 Sermons |
July 25th |
4 - Our Struggle With God's Mercy is Real - Jonah
4:1-11 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 18th |
3 - The Importance of Fearing the Lord - Jonah
3:1-10 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 11th |
2 - God Hears Prayers Anywhere - Jonah
2:1-10 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
July 4th |
Jonah 1 - Running From God's Calling - Jonah
1:9-12 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 2021 Sermons |
June 27th |
The Story of Abraham - Week
4 - The Struggles of Staying Faithful - Genesis
20:1-18 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 20th |
The Story of Abraham - Week
3 - A Father's Dedication to Faith - Genesis
22:1-18 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 13th |
The Story of Abraham - Week 2 - God's
Promises are Lasting - Genesis 17:1-8 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
June 6th |
The Story of Abraham - Week 1 - Stepping Out
in Faith - Genesis 12:1-9 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2021 Sermons |
May 30th |
Memorial Day Sermon - "Put on the Full Armor
of God" - Ephesians 6:10-13 - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
May 23rd |
Edge of Heaven - Week
3 - "How Do We Get To Heaven?" - John 14:6 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 16th |
Edge of Heaven - Week
2 - "Who Will Be In Heaven?" - Revelation
7:9-17 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 9th |
Edge of Heaven - Week 1 - "What is Heaven?" -
Isaiah 66:1-2 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2nd |
Rooted - Week
4 - "Harvest" -
Matthew 9:35-38 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2021 Sermons |
April 25th |
Rooted - Week
3 - "Prune" - John 15:1-8 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 18th |
Rooted - Week
2 - "Grow" - 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 11th |
Rooted - Week 1 - "Plant" - Matt 13:1-9 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 4th |
Red Letter Day - Week
4 - "You Will Be With Me in Paradise" -
Luke 23:39-43 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 2021 Sermons |
March 28th |
MP3 |
Red Letter Day - Week
3 - "It is Finished" -
John 19: 28-30 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 21st |
Red Letter Day - Week
2 - "Father, Forgive Them" -
Luke 23:32-34 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 14th |
Red Letter Day - Week 1 - "Why Have You
Forsaken Me?" - Matt 27:37-46 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
March 7th |
Bold - Week
4 - Bold Obedience
- Acts 5:17-22 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 2021 Sermons |
February 28th |
Bold - Week
3 - Bold Speaking
- Acts 4:15-22 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
February 21st |
From Our Home to Yours - Special Service
From the Ward Home - Pastor Chip and Meggan Ward |
February 14th |
Bold - Week
2 - Bold Prayers
- Acts 4:23-31 - Pastor Chip
Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the entire service |
February 7th |
Bold - Week 1 - Amazing Boldness
- Acts 4:7-14- Pastor Chip
Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the entire service |
January 2021 Sermons |
January 31st |
I'm In - Week
3 - I'm Invested - Pastor
Chip Ward |
MP3 |
Audio of the final comments |
January 24th |
I'm In - Week 2 - I'm Influential - Pastor
Chip Ward |
January 17th |
I'm In - Week 1 - I'm Invaluable - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 10th |
Lessons Learned - Pastor Chip Ward |
January 3rd |
Special Abbreviated Service - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
December 2020 Sermons |
December 27th |
Special Abbreviated Service - Elder Chuck
Nichols |
December 20th |
Special Abbreviated Service - Papa Panov's Christmas -
Elder John McVey |
December 13th |
MP3 |
Audio Recording - "Rejoice!" - Week 2 - That Good News Arrives When You Least Expect It - Pastor Chip Ward |
December 6th |
"Rejoice!" - Week 1 - That Anything is
Possible with God - Pastor Chip Ward |
November 2020 Sermons |
November 29th |
5th Sunday Special - "The Bible" - Elder
Chuck Nichols |
November 22nd |
A Time to Give Thanks - Week 4- No Matter
What the Circumstances - Pastor Chip
Ward |
November 15th |
A Time to Give Thanks - Week
3 - For the
Perfect Gift of the Cross - Pastor Chip
Ward |
November 8th |
A Time to Give Thanks - Week 2 - For the
Connection of Prayer to God - Pastor Chip
Ward |
November 1st |
A Time to Give Thanks - Week
1 - "For the Chance to Give Him Praise" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 2020 Sermons |
October 25th |
The Ghost - Week
4 - "Am
I Filled with the Holy Spirit?" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 18th |
The Ghost - Week
3 - "Spiritual
Gifts" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 11th |
The Ghost - Week 2 - "The
Power of the Holy Spirit" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
October 4th |
Ghost - Week 1 -
Presence of the Holy Spirit" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
September 2020 Sermons |
September 27th |
The Elephant in the Room - Week
3 -
"Christianity and Doubt" - Announcements and
Meditations |
The Elephant in the Room - Week
3 -
"Christianity and Doubt" - Sermon - Pastor Chip
Ward |
The Elephant in the Room - Week
3 -
"Christianity and Doubt" - Invitation and
Final Words |
September 20th |
The Elephant in the Room - Week
2 -
"Christianity and Racism" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
September 13th |
The Elephant in the Room - Week 1 -
"Christianity and Politics" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
September 6th |
Arrows - Week
6 - "Special - Be a Moment Maker" -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 2020 Sermons |
August 30th |
Arrows - Week
5 - "Work - Get on Your Workboots" -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 23rd |
Arrows - Week
4 - "Opponents - Preparing to Face Your
Enemy" -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 16th |
Arrows - Week 3 - "Rhythm - Set the Pace" -
Pastor Chip Ward |
August 9th |
Arrows - Week 2 - "Release - Let It Fly" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
August 2nd |
Arrows - Week 1 - "Aim - What is the
Bullseye?" - Pastor
Chip Ward |
July 2020 Sermons |
July 26th |
Noah - Week 4 - Life Gets A Restart - Pastor
Chip Ward |
July 19th |
Noah -
Week 3 - The Reward for Being Righteous -
Pastor Chip Ward |
Message: |
Status as of July 19th, 2020 |
July 12th |
Noah -
Week 2 - Following Through on God's Instruction - Pastor Chip
Ward |
July 5th |
Noah - Week 1 - Understanding Godly Righteousness - Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 2020 Sermons |
June 28th |
Solomon - Week 4 - The Consequences of
Relinquishing Wisdom - Pastor Chip
Ward |
June 21st |
Solomon - Week 3 - The Benefits of
Heavenly Wisdom - Pastor Chip Ward |
June 14th |
Solomon - Week 2 - How to Use
Heavenly Wisdom
- Pastor Chip Ward |
June 7th |
Solomon - Week 1 - How to Get Heavenly Wisdom -
Pastor Chip Ward |
May 2020 Sermons |
May 31st |
What Have We Learned? - Revelations 6: 3-9 -
Elder Chuck Nichols |
May 24th |
Week 4 - Memorial Day - Twisted - Money is
the Root of All Evil - 1 Timothy 6: 10 -
Pastor Chip Ward |
May 17th |
3 - Twisted - Plans to Prosper - Jeremiah
29: 11 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 10th |
2 - Happy Mother's Day!! - Twisted - Do Not
Judge - Matthew 7: 1-2 - Pastor Chip Ward |
May 3rd |
Welcome, Announcements, Communion, Tithing - Pastor
Chip Ward |
Week 1 - Twisted - Ask
Anything - John 14:13 - Pastor Chip Ward |
April 2020 Sermons |
April 26th |
Week 4 - "I am Jesus - I am the Vine" -
Pastor Chip Ward |
April 19th |
Week 3 - "I am Jesus - I am the Good
Shepherd" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 12th |
Week 2 -
Easter Sunday - "I am Jesus - I am the
Resurrection and the Life" - Pastor Chip
Ward |
April 5th |
Week 1 - Palm Sunday - "I Am Jesus - I Am the Light
of the World" - Pastor Chip Ward - John 17:
March 2020 Sermons |
March 29th |
LCC On-Line Service - Pastor Chip Ward
March 22nd |
Words! - Lost" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 15 - Part 1 |
Words! - Lost" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 15 - Part 2 |
MP3 |
Audio-only of the
Sermon (Full
Sermon) |
March 15th |
Words! - Hell" - Pastor Chip Ward - Matthew 25: 41,
46 (52 Minutes only) |
MP3 |
Audio-only of the
Sermon (Full
Sermon) |
March 8th |
"Four-Letter Words! - Holy" - Pastor Chip
Ward - 1 Peter 1:14-16 |
March 1st |
Words! - Give" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 6:38 |
February 2020 Sermons |
February 23rd |
Words! - Fear" - Pastor Chip Ward - 1 John 4:18
February 16th |
MP3 |
"Love on
Others With the Gospel" - Pastor Chip Ward - 1 John
4: 7-12 |
February 9th |
"Enjoy the Gospel" - Pastor Chip Ward
- Ephesians 3: 6-7, Exodus 33: 13-14 |
February 2nd |
"Persevere Through the Gospel" - Pastor Chip Ward
- James 1: 3-4 |
January 2020 Sermons |
January 26th |
MP3 |
"Words of Wisdom from Revelations" - Elder Chuck Nichols
- Revelations 21: 9-27 |
January 19th |
for the Gospel" - Pastor Chip Ward - Romans 12:1 |
January 12th |
to the Gospel" - Pastor Chip Ward - Matthew 28:20 |
MP3 |
LCC Congregational Meeting - "The State of the Church" |
January 5th |
With the Gospel" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Matthew 28:19 |
December 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
December 29th -
"He Shall Be Called: Prince of Peace" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Isaiah 9:6-7
December 22nd -
LCC Evening Candlelight Service - Pastor
Chip Ward and Friends
December 22nd -
"He Shall Be Called:
Everlasting Father" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Isaiah 9: 6-7
December 15th -
"He Shall Be Called:
Mighty God" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Isaiah 9: 6-7
December 8th -
"He Shall Be Called: Wonderful Counselor" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Isaiah 9: 6-7
December 1st -
"The Blood" - Elder Chuck Nichols
(MP3 Audio Only)
November 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
24th -
a Life of Thankfulness" - Pastor Chip Ward -
John 9
November 17th -
a Life of Generosity" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Acts 3
November 10th -
a Life of Contentment" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Philippians 4: 11-13
November 3rd -
a Life of Gratitude" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 17:
October 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
October 27th -
"Plugged Into the
Spirit of God" - Pastor Chip Ward - Romans 8: 3-17
October 20th -
"Plugged Into the Love of God" - Pastor Chip Ward
- Hebrews 9: 11-15,
October 13th -
Into the Mercy of God" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Titus 3: 4-7
October 6th -
Into the Power of God" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Ephesians 3: 14-20
September 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
September 29th -
Next 30 Years" - Pastor Chip Ward - LCC 30-Year
22nd -
"Bad Advice - How To
Become Dissatisfied" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Philippians 3: 7-11
15th -
(MP3 Audio)
"Bad Advice - How To
Commit Adultery" - Pastor Chip Ward - 1
Corinthians 6: 15-20
8th -
"Bad Advice - How To Become an Addict" - Pastor Chip
Ward - Isaih 13: 3-9, 18-23
September 1st -
"Bad Advice - How To Drift Away From God" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Matt 13: 3-9, 18-23
August 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
August 25th -
- A Snapshot of a Loving Family" - Pastor Chip
Ward - 1 Corinthians 13: 1-8
August 18th -
- A Snapshot of a Praying Family" - Pastor Chip
Ward - Matthew 6: 5-14
August 11th -
- A Snapshot of a Disciplined Family" - Pastor Chip
Ward - Hebrews 12: 5-14
August 4th -
- A Snapshot of a Thriving Family" - Pastor Chip
Ward - Colossians 3: 12-17
July 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
July 28th -
"Joshua -
You Can't Hide Sin From God" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Joshua 7
July 21st -
"Joshua -
A Strange Way to Win a Battle" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Joshua 6
July 14th -
"Joshua -
Following Through on a Promise" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Joshua 3
July 7th -
"Joshua - When God Promises, He Delivers" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Joshua 1: 1-9
June 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
June 30th -
"Elisha - Can You
Just Have Faith" - 2 Kings 6: 8-23 -
Pastor Chip Ward
June 23rd -
"Elisha - Can You Follow Through" - 2 Kings 5: 1-19 -
Pastor Chip Ward
June 16th -
- Letting God Work Through You" - 2 Kings 4: 18-27 -
Pastor Chip Ward
June 9th -
(and MP3
Audio) -
- Sometimes You Gotta Jump On In" - 2 Kings 3: 9-20 -
Pastor Chip Ward
June 2nd -
- From Protégé to Prophet" - 2 Kings 2: 9-14 -
Pastor Chip Ward
May 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
May 26th -
"Is There Not a Cause" - 1 Samuel 17:29 - Pastor
Ronnie Hoyer
May 19th -
SERVE - Serve With
Love - Pastor Chip
May 12th -
SERVE - Serve With
Humility - Pastor Chip
May 5th -
SERVE - Serve With Compassion - Pastor Chip
April 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
April 28th -
Authoritative Commander-Giver - Pastor Chip
April 21st -
Glorious Victor - Easter Service - Pastor Chip
April 14th -
Perfect Substitute - Pastor Chip
April 7th -
CHRIST - The No-Holds Barred Teacher - Pastor Chip
March 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
March 31st -
"Grace is Greater Than Our Circumstances" - Pastor
Chip Ward
March 24th -
Gideons Presentation by Robert Hayes -
Elder Chuck Nichols
March 17th -
"Grace is Greater Than
Our Weaknesses" - Pastor Chip Ward
March 10th -
"Grace is Greater Than
Our Hurts" - Pastor Chip Ward
March 3rd -
"Grace is Greater Than Our Mistakes" - Pastor Chip Ward
February 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
February 24th -
"THE VOW - The Vow of Purity" - Pastor Chip Ward
February 17th -
"THE VOW - The Vow of Partnership" - Pastor Chip
February 10th -
VOW - The Vow of Pursuit" - Pastor Chip Ward
February 3rd -
VOW - The Vow of Priority" - Pastor Chip Ward
January 2019 Sermons
(Facebook Live
January 27th -
"GROW - Growing in
Worship" - Pastor Chip Ward
January 20th -
"GROW - Growing in
Obedience" - Pastor Chip Ward
January 13th -
"GROW - Growing in Righteousness" - Pastor Chip Ward
- Deacon Installation of Brother Chance Frensley
January 6th -
"GROW - Growing in Godliness" - Pastor Chip Ward
December 2018 Sermons
(Facebook Live
December 30th -
Announcements and
Closing Prayer - Brother Bill Wright and Pastor Chip
Ward -
(mp3 audio)
December 23rd -
"Carols - The Songs of Christmas - O Holy Night" - Pastor Chip Ward
December 16th -
"Carols - The Songs of Christmas - What Child is
This?" - Pastor Chip Ward
December 9th -
"Carols - The Songs of Christmas - We Three Kings" - Pastor Chip Ward
December 2nd -
"Carols - The Songs of Christmas - O' Little Town of
Bethlehem" - Pastor Chip Ward
November 2018 Sermons
(Facebook Live
November 25th -
"What a Difference a Year Makes - Finding
Consistency in Thankfulness" - Pastor Chip Ward
November 18th -
"What a Difference a Year Makes - Giving Thanks in
the Midst of Success" - Pastor Chip Ward
November 11th -
"What a Difference a Year Makes - Giving Thanks in
Tough Circumstances" - Pastor Chip Ward
November 4th -
"What a Difference a Year Makes - The State of the
Church" - Pastor Chip Ward
October 2018 Sermons
(Facebook Live
Video and MP3 Audio)
October 28th -
"Supernatural: Fighting the Real Enemy - Fighting
the Real Enemy" - Pastor Chip Ward - Ephesians 6:12
October 21st -
"Supernatural: Fighting the Real Enemy -
Understanding the Sinful Nature" -
Pastor Chip Ward - Ephesians 6:12, Matt 26:41 -
October 14th -
"Supernatural: Fighting the Real Enemy - What is His
Goal?" -
Pastor Chip Ward - Ephesians 6:12, 1 John 3:8
October 7th -
"Supernatural: Fighting the Real Enemy - Who is Our
Enemy?" -
Pastor Chip Ward - Ephesians 6:12
September 2018 Sermons
(Facebook Live
September 30th -
"The Greatest of Generosity in God's Kingdom" -
Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 6: 38-39
September 23rd -
"Generosity - of our Resources in God's Kingdom" - Pastor
Chip Ward - 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11
September 16th -
"Generosity - of our Love in God's Kingdom" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Ephesians 5: 1-2
September 9th -
"Generosity - of our Effort in God's Kingdom" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Mark 1: 35-39
September 2nd -
"Generosity - of our Time in God's Kingdom" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Mark 1: 35-39
August 2018 Sermons
(Facebook Live
August 26th -
"The Parables of Jesus
- How Do You Take Your Seed?" - Pastor Chip Ward - Mark
4: 1-20
August 19th -
"The Parables of Jesus
- Are You Ready?" - Pastor Chip Ward - Matthew 13:
24-30, 36-43, 25: 31-46
August 12th -
"The Parables of Jesus
- Do You Want Grace?" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 5:
August 5th -
"The Parables of Jesus
- The Story of Showing Compassion" - Pastor Chip Ward - Luke 10:
Facebook Live
July 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
July 29th -
"Peace Be
Still - Discover True Peace" - Elder Chuck Nichols -
Mark 4: 39
Facebook Live
July 22th -
"The Life of
Daniel - Daniel's Unique Moment" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Daniel 10
Facebook Live
July 15th -
"The Life of
Daniel - Daniel's Prayer Life" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Daniel 9: 1-23
Facebook Live
July 8th -
"The Life of
Daniel - Daniel's Faithfulness to Prayer" - Pastor
Chip Ward - Daniel 6
Facebook Live
July 1st -
"The Life of
Daniel - Daniel's Unique Gift" - Pastor Chip Ward -
Daniel 2
Facebook Live
Pt. 1 /
Pt. 2
June 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
June 24th -
"The Old
Testament Chronicles - Elijah: If I am a Man of
God..." - Pastor Chip Ward - 2 Kings 2: 1-14
Facebook Live
June 17th -
"The Old
Testament Chronicles - Elijah: Everyone Needs a
Pick-Me-Up" - Pastor Chip Ward - 1 Kings 19: 1-18
Facebook Live
June 10th -
"The Old
Testament Chronicles - Elijah: One Man Can Make a
Difference" -
Pastor Chip Ward - 1 Kings 18: 17-39
Facebook Live
June 3rd -
"The Old
Testament Chronicles - Elijah: Show You Care" -
Pastor Chip Ward - 1 Kings 17
Facebook Live
May 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
May 27th -
"The Reward" -
Elder Chuck Nichols - Revelation 21
May 20th -
"Urban Legends
- Debunking Spiritual Myths: It Doesn't Matter What
I Do" - Pastor Chip Ward - James 1: 12-15
Facebook Live
May 13th -
"Urban Legends
- Debunking Spiritual Myths: God Wants Me to be
Happy" - Pastor Chip Ward - 1 John 2: 15-17
May 6th -
"Urban Legends
- Debunking Spiritual Myths: There Are Many Ways to
God" - Pastor Chip Ward - Matt 16: 15-16
May 6th -
Installation of Brother Larry Powers as an Elder
April 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
April 29th -
Intro by Elder
Chuck Nichols - Guest Speaker - Michael Daniels from
Gideons International
April 22nd -
"We the
Church" - The Principles of Being God's Encouragers
- Pastor Chip Ward - Acts 4: 32-33
April 15th -
"We the
Church" - The
Principles of Being Devoted Followers - Pastor Chip
Ward - Acts 2: 42
March 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
February 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)
February 25th -
"Love On - Pt. 5 - Pastor Chip Ward - Deut. 6: 4-6;
7: 6-9
January 2018 Sermons
(MP3 Format)